Become a Corporate/Business Partner Today!
A good corporate citizen is a company that prioritizes making a positive social impact, acting ethically, and ensuring the long-term environmental sustainability of its operations, among other actions. The Urban League of Greater Kansas City offers a partnership to assist you in accessing a diverse talent pool of highly-qualified Black candidates, delivering on corporate social responsibility strategies, and achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion goals.
Corporate/Business Partnership Benefits
Full access to CAREER MARKETPLACE, including resume match and job referral service.
Post job openings to our diverse talent pool and have your logo prominently displayed on the ULKC JOB BOARD online with a link to view your available job openings.
Access to a diverse talent pool of thousands of highly-skilled and talented Black business professionals, ranging in skills from entry level to middle and upper management, including officer level candidates.
“HOT JOBS” email blast to targeted ULKC business professionals with matching skills.
Direct relationship with the ULKC.
Direct access to your company’s landing page from our website.
Your logo and company name listed as a Corporate Partner of the ULKC on our website.
Promote your brand to a diverse audience through the ULKC website, social media, and events.
On-air radio spot advertising of your company on KPRS/KPRT providing exposure to their 80,000+ listening audience.
Put the spotlight on your NEWCOMERS at the ULKC annual social networking event designed to welcome corporate newcomers to Kansas City and spotlight individuals who are climbing the corporate ladder.
“Bragging rights” knowing that your organization is empowering communities and changing lives.
Recommendations on how your organization can influence public policy at city, state, and national levels to better support diverse communities.
ULKC logo for display on your organization’s home page as a partner.
Support Black-owned businesses through connections to ULKC’s featured entrepreneurs.
One-on-one DEI consultation with ULKC staff members.
Nationwide connections and visibility through access to the National Urban League and its community-based affiliates.
Invitations to all special events and programming.
Partnership recognition at ULKC special events and programs, and on our website.
Ongoing subscription to the electronic EQUALIZERS newsletter.
Notification of volunteer opportunities.
The VIP package is available and customizable to fit your organization’s needs. You will receive all CORPORATE/BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP BENEFITS plus you will get to choose from these additional benefits:
Unlimited FREE jobs postings for one year.
Targeted Hiring Fair with planning, marketing, and outreach that includes ads on ULKC’s social media platforms, email blasts, and printed materials.
Access to the ULKC facility at 1710 The Paseo for meetings/interviews.
An executive profile feature on the ULKC website and in the electronic EQUALIZERS newsletter.
Media blast announcing your partnership with the ULKC.
Bronze–$625 (0–50 employees)
Silver–$1,200 (51–400 employees)
Gold–$2,000 (401–1,000 employees)
Platinum–$4,000 (1,001+ employees)
VIP–$8,500 (Your choice of added benefits!)